Mortgage Monday: When is an Inspection Needed

Different loan types require different inspections. Here is your easy guide do which inspections you’ll need based on your loan type.
FHA Loans
Termite, radon, septic, and well Inspections are only required for FHA loans if the contract or the appraisal specifies that they need to be done. Private road maintenance agreements are always required for FHA loans and appraisals are valid for 120 days.
VA Loans
VA loans always require termite, septic, and well inspections as well as private road maintenance agreements. Radon inspections are only required if the contract of appraisal specifies that it needs to be done. Appraisals done for VA loans are valid for 180 days.
Conventional Loans
For conventional loans the termite, radon, septic and well inspections are only required if the contract or appraisal specifies that they need to be done. The private road maintenance agreement is always required and the appraisal is valid for 120 days.
USDA Loans
Termite and radon inspections are only required for USDA loans in the contract of appraisal specifies that they need to be done. The septic and well inspections are always required as well as the private road maintenance agreement. Appraisals for USDA loans are valid for 120 days.
Contact Branson Harrell from Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation here to learn more